Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Sensory Processing and/or ADHD?

Following a recent workshop I attended regarding the influence of Sensory Processing on learning, I found some awesome resources on the topic which I thought I'd share:

How Sensory Processing affects kids in school

 - Often what can look like ADHD can actually involve sensory processing concerns...not to say there may not be ADHD symptoms involved as well. It still remains important to gain a complete picture of the child's symptoms - from the assessment-, teachers' classroom-, and parents' observations.

The difference between Sensory Processing Issues and ADHD

 - Some important differences between the symptoms linked with the two experiences, as well as accessible support structures to try out.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

AD/HD and ADD management research

I have recently been researching the various methods of approaching AD/HD and ADD management, and the following articles caught my eye. Well worth a read!

Investigating the merits of banting for children (I tweeted about this article earlier this week) - written by the editor of The Lifestyle Cafe

* Reports from the Low Carbohydrate High Fat (LCHF) 2015 Conference - discussion by Nicky Perks

*The Diet Factor in ADHD - Article by Millichap and Yee as published in Pediatrics Journal of America. Interesting merits of supplements, which caught my eye after just having watched That Vitamin Film (If you haven't seen it, it's well worth a watch!)