Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Why we teach...

This post by C.S. Stone The reason why I teach reminds me of why I so enjoyed my teaching days, and how my visit to my school is so long overdue! Sometimes we just need that reminder! Enjoy x

Flipped Classroom!

I love this accessible introductory article about Flipped Classrooms written by Chuck Cohn. This is the way of the future!

PedagoguesPet provides a great example of HOW to go about implementing flipped learning in the classroom! Check it out!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Project-based learning

Interesting video on Project-based learning by Tony Vincent!

How does Project-based Learning differ from using projects in a classroom? Good question: Projects vs. Project-based Learning posed by Amy Mayer.

What are the conditions needed for Project-based learning? Another Edutopia great by Jane Krauss and Suzie Boss. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Educators are responsible for change

A very interesting local news story by  NONTOBEKO MTSHALI ~ Educators are responsible for change!~

How then can teachers cause change? Have a look at the 5 tips to continue to grow as an educator written by Isaac Pineda.