Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Obituary of the Student Desk

Photo credit:
Carl Hooker, educational technologist extraordinaire, wrote a wonderfully tongue-in-cheek article about the death of the student desk that we know today - The Obituary of the Student Desk - 1887 -2013

Carl's blog, Hooked on Innovation, has been part of my staple blog diet for a while now. I really like his writing style and innovative ideas. You can follow him on his blog Hooked on Innovation

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mobile Technology

Hi everyone,

Some of you may already know, but I am researching for my Masters thesis on the motivating effects of technology in the classroom, and so I jump at any research I can get my hands on with regards to technology used in education. One of my students posted this fabulous link on her blog, UmzanziEduPad, that details much information on technology in Africa - research that is sorely lacking. Rudi de Waele is founder and CEO at Nyota Media, and the website is a host of wonderful information regarding techno-trends.
Have a look. Once again, thank you, Marina!

How Mobile Technology is Transforming Africa from Rudy De Waele

I found another great slideshow on mobile technology from Tony Vincent's website Learning in Hand. 35 educational specialists addressed the question: "What are the most effective uses of technology in mobile and online education?" and each of their answers were included in the slide show below. How awesome?!

Monday, October 28, 2013


What are your views regarding ePortfolios? I found an interesting infographic on Stephen Downes' blog 
Half an Hour that made quite a bit of sense to me. Thoughts?

Thursday, October 24, 2013


I found a really great article on teaching children with Dyslexia, from Reading Horizons. It describes various accommodations that can be made for the child within the classroom. A good read! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Countries and Schools Getting It Right!


In an article written by LynNel Hancock for, Finland's schooling strategies are discussed. Why is Finland considered on of the top educational success stories? Read here to find out!
MailOnline addressed the issue of marking in  recent article: The dreaded Red Pen raises its ugly head again! Does the Red Pen Shout at Students?


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

Why we teach...

This post by C.S. Stone The reason why I teach reminds me of why I so enjoyed my teaching days, and how my visit to my school is so long overdue! Sometimes we just need that reminder! Enjoy x

Flipped Classroom!

I love this accessible introductory article about Flipped Classrooms written by Chuck Cohn. This is the way of the future!

PedagoguesPet provides a great example of HOW to go about implementing flipped learning in the classroom! Check it out!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Project-based learning

Interesting video on Project-based learning by Tony Vincent!

How does Project-based Learning differ from using projects in a classroom? Good question: Projects vs. Project-based Learning posed by Amy Mayer.

What are the conditions needed for Project-based learning? Another Edutopia great by Jane Krauss and Suzie Boss. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Educators are responsible for change

A very interesting local news story by  NONTOBEKO MTSHALI ~ Educators are responsible for change!~

How then can teachers cause change? Have a look at the 5 tips to continue to grow as an educator written by Isaac Pineda.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Hi there!

I've found a very interesting website that carefully explains ADHD, its causes, neurobiology and stimulant effects.

It's called ADHD.Org.NZ:New Zealand's ADHD Online Support Group

Here are the links to the aforementioned interests:

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Flipping classrooms

I am so fascinated by the concept of Flipped Education, and my research has taken me to some great resources:

Great information on FLIPPING CLASSROOMS by Jackie Gerstein!

And more by Jennifer Nicholson!